I’m trying to replicate the following deprecated connect api code with the new Payments API & square-php-sdk.
How would I replicate this?
function getSquarePayment ($locationIds, $paymentId){
$apiClient = getApiClient();
$apiInstance = new SquareConnect\Api\PaymentsApi($apiClient);
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getPayment($paymentId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling PaymentsApi->getPayment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
exit (1);
return $result->GetPayment();
I see that the migration documentation states The Transactions API ListTransactions response includes cash and other payments that the Payments API ( ListPayments endpoint) does not return. You can retrieve those using the SearchOrders endpoint.
. However, we don’t use orders. Our orders area is empty in Squareup dashboard. We use Square for Retail. So all of our stuff is in transactions and invoices. So when I try the SearchOrders enpoint, I get zero results, as expected. How then am I supposed to list transactions (for the transactions that are listed in squareup.com) from the SearchOrders API?
Can you provide me with a detailed example?