We are using the payments api to retreive the receipt url of each payment on our register, however, when we visualize the url there seems to be a bug on the customer feedback buttons that only refresh the page without providing any functionality. Anyone seeing the same? Check the screenshot attached
I was able to replicate this and have shared this with the team. They are currently looking into the issue. 
Awesome! Thank you, Bryan, you are a star.
Update from the team. Currently the Payments API returns a preview of the receipt. Unfortunately the preview won’t allow you to leave feedback. If you append the payment_id
to the end of this URL https://squareup.com/receipts
so it looks like the following it’ll work:
We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so we’ll be looking at making this better. 
Thank you for the tip, it still doesn’t work for me, unfortunately, it keeps refreshing the same page.
As an example, this receipt feedback feature doesn’t work with the payment_id https://squareup.com/receipts/9ui1SXAtBkpOnvr9ygqGrtZNRLIZY
According to the team the feedback feature won’t currently work with that URL or the URL returned from the payment response. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.