I am using react-native-square-pos for swiping card to pay on my react native app, it worked fine on swiping card but other payment methods like E-Money, … etc not working . Is there any solutions for this or It is not supported on react native apps, only on native .
We definitely accept E-Money. Are you getting any errors? Also what’s your application ID?
i get no errors but there is no response when using E-money payment method. My application flow is react native app → Square Point of Sale => Payment success => react native app and notify success or not . My application id is sq0idp-nKzOBPeT04VzhAnuvtZoTQ
I’m from Vietnam , is it supported in my country ?
At this time, Square’s API for processing payments is only available to customers within the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Japan.
Thanks for sharing this information. It was useful.