Orders API || Void, Cancel, Return, Refund, Complimentary Orders

We are retrieving order details from the following sources:
a. https://connect.squareup.com/v2/orders/batch-retrieve
b. https://connect.squareup.com/v2/orders/search

  1. Is the response for cancelled orders the same as for normal orders, or is there any difference?
  2. Are the dates received from the orders in UTC or retailer time-zone format?
  3. Do we have options to create an order then VOID items/modifiers?
  4. Do we have an option to create a complimentary item for an order?
  5. Are returns and refunds the same or different?
  6. How can we create VOID, CANCELLED, RETURN, REFUND, COMPLIMENTARY-ITEMS orders from the Square POS App? We need these to test all edge cases. Please let us know if any of the orders mentioned above are not applicable.

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  1. The response for cancelled orders is the same as for normal orders, but the status of the order will be different. In the Order object, the ‘state’ field will be set to ‘CANCELED’ for cancelled orders.

  2. The dates received from the orders are in UTC format. You would need to convert them to the retailer’s time zone if needed.

  3. You can create an order and then void items or modifiers using the Orders API. However, voiding an item or modifier is not directly supported. You would need to update the order to remove or modify the item or modifier.

  4. There isn’t a specific option to create a complimentary item for an order. However, you can create an item with a price of $0 or apply a 100% discount to an item to make it complimentary.

  5. Returns and refunds are different. A return is when a customer returns a product they purchased, and this is tracked in the Order object. A refund is when money is returned to the customer, which is tracked in the PaymentRefund object.

  6. You can create VOID, CANCELLED, RETURN, REFUND, and COMPLIMENTARY-ITEMS orders from the Square Point of Sale (POS) App. For VOID and CANCELLED orders, you would need to create an order and then cancel it. For RETURNS, you would need to create an order, complete the payment, and then process a return. For REFUNDS, you would need to create an order, complete the payment, and then process a refund. For COMPLIMENTARY-ITEMS, you would need to create an order with an item that has a price of $0 or apply a 100% discount to an item.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.

Please help us with below queries:

  1. We are able to create the refund, return and complimentary items from the Sqaure POS application on iPhone. But, how to create void and cancelled order from the application?
  2. For a refund and return order, do we get the modifier quantities from the order response?
  3. How can we add service charge to an order?

At this time the ability for itemized returns with our API isn’t currently possible. On returns there the Square app are available to be itemized. :slightly_smiling_face: