Moved to production now get Error 500

I have an urgent issue. My company went live today with online payments. I am using the PHP SDK.

I updated the .env file to the production environment and also updated the application id, access token and location id from my production credentials and uploaded the .env file to me server. However, when I tested it on my live site, instead of seeing the payment page like I did in the sandbox environment, I get a Error 500. I did not change any code. All I changed were the credentials. This all worked perfectly in Sandbox mode. And unfortunately I did not test this in production before today. I need help ASAP.

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Configure the Order-Ahead Sample Application
In-App Payments SDK Quickstart
In-App Payments SDK Quickstart

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Otherwise one of our Developer Advocates will provide additional assistance shortly.

I figured it out. I apparently did not upload the .env file to the correct folder. It is working now

Glad to hear that you figured it out. :slightly_smiling_face: