in document GET /v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id} - Square API Reference, it recommands us to use pricing_rule_reference
in place of ‘definition’ field. but i test sdk com.squareup:square:, no field ‘pricing_rule_data.discount_target_scope’ in sdk.
so at present, which field should be used, pricing_rule_reference
or ‘definition’ ?
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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
Redeem Loyalty Points for a Discount (Walkthrough 1)
Set up a Loyalty Program (Walkthrough 2)
Manage Loyalty Rewards
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sorry, it’s not the answer
Where are you not seeing pricing_rule_reference
. It’s in the SDK nested in reward_tiers.
I can see pricing_rule_reference field in LoyaltyProgram.rewardTiers in sdk. but I cann’t find pricing_rule_data.discount_target_scope in CatalogObject.pricingRuleData in sdk
Correct, at this time discount_target_scope
isn’t documented. I’m reaching out to the team about this.