Hello, we build our application 2 years ago, and suddenly we got error:
{“errors”: [{“code”: “INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR”,“detail”: “An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request.”,“category”: “API_ERROR”}]}
with labor_api.create_shift endpoint.
We are still using the legacy squareconnect==2.20190724.1 version, so I try upgraded to latest square-python-sdk, but the error still happen.
But I found that error only happen when I include wage parameter in the request body, when I reomved wage parameter, it works again.
Code not work:
employee_wage = labor_api.list_employee_wages(employee_id=employee_id).employee_wages[0]
shift = Shift(employee_id=employee_id, wage=employee_wage, start_at=local_time.isoformat(), location_id="My Location ID")
shift_request = CreateShiftRequest(shift=shift)
Code work:
shift = Shift(employee_id=employee_id, start_at=local_time.isoformat(), location_id="My Location ID")
shift_request = CreateShiftRequest(shift=shift)
This is code with legacy SDK, but I translated it to latest square-python-sdk, the same behavior happen.
Is there anything I am doing wrong? I am sure the code with wage parameter is working before.
And is that OK I am still using squareconnect==2.20190724.1, since the migration will take a lot of works for us.
Thank you!