Is there any api to retrieve the complete orders list based on Location Id or personal access token?

Is there any api to retrieve the complete orders list based on Location Id or personal access token instead of array of order ID?

I have reviewed the RetrieveOrder and BatchRetrieveOrders endpoints but these endpoints requires order id. I don’t want to retrieve any specific order or list of order, I wants the complete list of orders for that seller.

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Retrieve, List, or Search Invoices
Merchants API
Search Orders

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Yes, you can retrieve a list of orders based on a location ID using the SearchOrders endpoint of the Orders API. This endpoint allows you to find orders that match your filtering criteria, such as orders created within a specific time range or requested by a particular customer. You must include one or more location_ids in your request, and SearchOrders will return the orders for those locations.

However, please note that the SearchOrders endpoint does not support personal access tokens as a filtering criterion. The personal access token is used for authentication and authorization, not for filtering orders.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.