Is locationId mandatory in web-payment-sdk?

Earlier when we were using square payment form,that time we were not passing locationID.
But now when we migrated to react-square-web-payments-sdk,I see there is a prop called locationID which we need to pass.
A lot of customer uses our product and so for locationID ,do we need to use our locationID or theirs?
If so,how we will get theirs locationID and replace it with ours?

The customer should be able to select the locations ID from list of locations you obtained using the API. usually this step is when they choose to use their own square account or yours. If they choose their own account you can display list of their locations using their API details and if they are using your account then simply create a location for that customer and save it for future use. You can then use their chosen location ID and send it back for square payments.

:wave: You’ll want to use ListLocations to get the sellers locationID. Otherwise all payments will go to the customers default location. :slightly_smiling_face: