I can't connect to SquareUp


I can’t connect using Credentials from my module to SquareUp App

I’m doing all the steps as it is in the guide but it doesn’t work, unfortunately.

  1. I created an App with “Accept payments” permissions in the SquareUp developer portal.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

  2. I selected the “Credentials” tab, and then deployed the production mode APIS.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

  3. I entered the SquareUp configuration in the magento admin, and entered the following information:
    Screenshot by Lightshot

Application Mode: Production
Production Application ID: Here I placed the ID that the panel provides me (Production Application ID)
Production Application Secret: Here I placed the TOKKEN that the panel provides me (Production Access token)

I clicked “Save”, when saving the configuration, but magento does not throw any error, but in the “Production Location” field, no location appears, “Please select location” appears.

When I go to checkout, the payment methods do not appear correctly, and it does not allow me to place any order.

From what I assume, in the “Production Location” field, my location should appear, which we assume is called “Pro-Location”? Or what should appear in that field?

The error I get in the browser console is:

Uncaught (in promise) PaymentMethodUnsupportedError: Method unsupported: Configuration is invalid. (field=locationId)
     at Hp (square.js:1:354221)
     at square.js:1:357476
     at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
     at Up (square.js:1:353807)
     at s (square.js:1:354011)


Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'setLocale')
    at UiClass.initPayment (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:6:131)
    at init (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:3:235)
    at eval (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:336:98)
    at Object.ignore (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:143:268)
    at eval (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:336:65)
    at Object.arrayForEach (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:19:186)
    at applyBindingsToNodeInternal (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:335:64)
    at applyBindingsToNodeAndDescendantsInternal (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:320:30)
    at applyBindingsToDescendantsInternal (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:316:90)
    at applyBindingsToNodeAndDescendantsInternal (eval at require.load (static.min.js:11:216), <anonymous>:320:234)

The Magento integration is asking for the application secret not the access token. The application secrete is found in the OAuth section of your app credentials. :slightly_smiling_face: