How to change the language of a receipt

Good morning,
I am from Canada, and Canada has 2 official languages: English and French.

When I create a new subscription via the SDK/API, how can I choose the language for the receipt?

Is it possible ?

Thank you so much !

Yes, You can also control your customer communication language right from your Square Dashboard. To choose the language:

  1. Visit your Account & Settings, select Personal Information.
  2. Scroll down to Preferences.
  3. Select the desired language from the dropdown and click Save.

Hi Bryan,
Ok thanks… but to create subscriptions i use SDK/API… and it can be an English or French user… so is there a way to change this settings with SDK ?


If this is with your custom UI it can be in any language you want. Just the API calls to Square have to be formatted as per our documentation. :slightly_smiling_face: