GraphQL Alpha Updates -- New APIs and Improvements!

Announcing New APIs and Updates for the GraphQL Alpha!

Since our initial release in May, the teams have been working on responding to feedback and expanding the reach of the GraphQL API.
We’re excited to share it all with you, and as of right now all the new functionality is available for anyone to try out!

Usability Improvements
The GraphQL API now supports query variables for use in any valid GraphQL query, for authentication-related purposes like merchantId, and for use in any filter (like text in items).
We’ve also made some changes to how GraphQL Explorer interacts with your session, and now prompts you to sign in before you try and make a call or read documentation that requires a session!

New APIs
We now support accessing Payments and Refunds as their own objects or as they link to other objects (Orders to Tenders to Payments; Payments to Refunds).
The Payment object only supports a subset of the fields available in the Connect API, but we include the heavy-hitters like Status, processingFees, amount, and refunds. Refunds match the information available in the Refunds V2 Connect APIs — both currently have data only from May 2022 onward.

Now that the GraphQL API covers Orders, Catalog, Customers, Payments, and Refunds, we hope a lot of the common API tasks are covered: Need to see all your orders today, with line items, customers, payments, and refund status? Done. Want to total up Payment amounts and reconcile with refund amounts? Done. Want to get a list of all items sold this week at a specific location? Done!

We will continue to add more APIs to GraphQL, chip away at the existing limitations, expand Payments, and more in the coming months. If you’re a seasoned GraphQL developer, a first timer, or somewhere in between we would love for you to try out GraphQL and let us know what you’d like to see more of!
You can head over to for a guide on how to get started, or just jump straight in with our web-based IDE, GraphQL Explorer Square GraphQL Explorer.

We look forward to seeing what everyone builds – and send any feedback my way!