Default Card for multiple cards on file

Is there a means of identifying a “Default” card for customers that have multiple cards on file? I’ve looked for this question but can’t find anything similar. I’m not seeing it anywhere on the cards on file object.

I’m wondering how I’m supposed to choose which card to use when processing a payment if there is no default. I can just loop through and exit the loop on first payment success, but it would seem useful to have a default. I’d prefer not to store the default Card ID in our database.

BTW, this is probably one of the best API’s I’ve ever worked with, really fantastic…


Hi @jmilleriec welcome to the forums!

There is no current concept of a default card for a customer. Ideally, you would present the cards to the customer and let them choose. If you wanted to save a “default” for the customer, you could save this knowledge in your own server or database. I can flag this as a feature request though, so perhaps we will have this in the future. Glad you’re enjoying the API otherwise :slight_smile:.

Great, thanks so much Stephen, something akin to the payment referenceID would be a great enhancement. We’ll be auto-submitting what amounts to subscription payments, so the customer won’t be “selecting” anything, as the payments will happen on a scheduled basis.

Appreciate the help though.
