I’m using Share cards between merchants accounts to make payments and I follow this tutorial - shared cards in the step 3 I search for a customer in the seller merchant account and I could retrieve it if that was created it before.
it looks like this (Example response from client.customersApi.searchCustomers (this is a dummy data)
`const response = {"cards":[
{"billingAddress":{"postalCode":"33000"},"cardBrand":"MASTERCARD","expMonth":"03","expYear":"2026","id":"ccof:CA1SEJ_j7rlPQSmcJP9k6AN_5LYoPQ","last4":"2059"}],"createdAt":"2023-10-26T05:16:49.41Z","creationSource":"THIRD_PARTY","emailAddress":"[email protected]","givenName":"Tester","id":"OO8AT623CRDL1J64KA86LH94AL","note":"ccof:CA1SEERe4cfvZDKAA1XGwPo1JkUoPQ","preferences":{"emailUnsubscribed":false},"segmentIds":["MLTC1N74JA1SG.CARDS_ON_FILE","MLTC1N74JA1SG.CHURN_RISK","MLTC1N74JA1SG.REACHABLE","gv2:864Z0EZZQ93KD5N0R7NX0A39W0"],"updatedAt":"2023-10-26T09:10:56Z","version":"2"};`
otherwise I created a new one, and I make a payment
`const response = await client.paymentsApi.createPayment({
sourceId: 'ccof:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB',
idempotencyKey: '{UNIQUE_KEY}',
amountMoney: {
amount: 200,
currency: 'USD'
autocomplete: true,
locationId: 'XK3DBG77NJBFX',
referenceId: '123456'
using the customer ID from the seller, however I’m not sure what should I use in the source ID since I got 3 different source ID, If I use the original one from the main account I got “Payment on file not found” What source ID should I use in this case