Create taxid via api?

Does this mean there is no way to do a tax that is just scoped to the ORDER?

For example when I read:

It notes:

taxes OrderLineItemTax
The list of all taxes associated with the order.
Taxes can be scoped to either ORDER or LINE_ITEM. For taxes with LINE_ITEM scope, an
OrderLineItemAppliedTax must be added to each line item that the tax applies to. For taxes with
ORDER scope, the server generates an OrderLineItemAppliedTax for every line item.
On reads, each tax in the list includes the total amount of that tax applied to the order

So it seems I can do just an ORDER based tax and not Catalog line item level tax.

And if so then does the user have to visit the website to setup taxes and can not use the API?

If this is correct then is there anyway to get this UUID for future api based orders from the Tax they create other than the URL of the Tax when they edit it.

Also I noticed I can add a random tax to any order

  "idempotency_key": "{{$guid}}",
  "order": {
  	"reference_id": "my-order-0001",
   "taxes": [
          "uid": "{{$randomUUID}}",
          "name": "Default Tax On the Fly",
          "percentage": "8",
          "scope": "ORDER"

which is fine then the app I am building can store the UUID for later reference.

Does this line up with the patterns Square was hoping for developers to use?