Create an order using the Orders API

That’s great that it’s showing!

That flow isn’t supported. You will need to make several API call to CreateOrder then to CreatePayment. A flow with a single request isn’t available.

I see.
How would be possible to update an order that has a COMPLETED status?

The order will the show in the Dashboard or push to the POS and allow you to update the progress of the fulfillment . Or if you would like to update the fulfillment you can use UpdateOrder with something like this to progress the fulfillment :


The thing is this: by the time the order is placed through the website is already captured and shows in transactions. But I can make an API call to add fulfillment as an update. Is it possible?

Once an order and fulfillment are completed the order can no longer be updated.

How do I create an open order? Not COMPLETE status one. Using the $order->setState(‘OPEN’); right?
Will an open order show on Orders menu Bryan? An open order has to be paid?

When you create an order and pay for the order the state of the order will still be OPEN. Only as you progress the order will the state be updated.

Bryan, what makes the difference between red and green marked on the Status column? What request will be that makes them different?
One more: what request will make automatically make the Status as being Completed?

Just using the API.

Please see the attached imagequestion

That differs from what’s in production. I’m checking with the team.

That image is taken from the developer account, all orders has been done using dev account. I will wait for your team input and I highly appreciate that.