When I try to use “Checkout Create payment link” for payment, I am currently testing in the sandbox environment and found that the parameters of Webhook “payment.updated” do not include “reference_id” and “processing_fee”. This is very important to me as I need to associate the order information in my system through “reference_id” and also display the processing fee information to my users. Additionally, when using “Checkout Create payment link”, I have already set the information of “reference_id” through “order.reference_id”.
Is this only in the sandbox environment? Or does it also apply to the production environment?
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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
Refunds API Webhooks
Square Sandbox
Guidelines and Limitations
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Unfortunately, this is the expected behavior in sandbox with payment links. The payment link experience in sandbox is unfortunately incomplete. You can create a 0 dollar checkout to test the full experience in production.