Checkout API in WordPress

I want to custom code the Square checkout API into a WordPress website so that we can set up conversion tracking for Google Ads by setting up a redirect URL to a thank you page.

It looks like from the documentation that this can be done. However, I wanted to confirm this is possible?

Our plan is to use the Square API to integrate the checkout process into our website and then redirect them after payment to a “thank you/confirmation” page.

Can anyone confirm if they have done this successfully or if it is possible?

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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

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Yes, it is possible to set up a redirect URL to a “thank you/confirmation” page after a payment is made using the Square Checkout API. When you create a checkout using the Checkout API, you can provide a redirect URL in the request. After the buyer completes the payment, Square redirects the buyer to the URL you provided. If you do not provide a redirect URL, Square redirects the buyer to a Square-provided confirmation page. So, you can set up your redirect URL to point to your “thank you/confirmation” page for conversion tracking.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.