I’m using the checkout API (using the node SDK) to create payment for my customers and the flow if working perfectly, but when I check the dashboard of my sandbox client, I do not see any taxes in the reports? I am sending the tax details and the total amounts are corect… Is it because I am using order taxes instead of line taxes?
I am sending the taxes in my order though:
name: 'inclusive tax',
type: 'INCLUSIVE',
scope: 'ORDER',
appliedMoney: {amount: 1092, currency: 'CAD'}
According to the documentation this should be enough, but I do not see them in the reports, nor any place else. Can someone elaborate?
Hi , I took a look at the checkout requests that you are making and the items in the orders are adhoc items which won’t automatically have an inclusive tax. If you use the catalog_object_id
for the item variation in the order then the taxes will be applied.
Hi Bryan, thanks for the quick response.
Does this mean that I need to map my product lines to actual products created in Square? Or do I just need to add some minimal extra data to the request I am making now?
As my lines currently can be a combination of products into a single line, It’s currently hard to have a detailed mapping to existing products.
You can still do adhoc items and taxes. For example if you create a checkout with the following it will have the taxes reported in the Dashboard like what you are looking for.
"idempotency_key": "cc0f63e2-d6ed-4ae3-8740-03539489ab53",
"order": {
"idempotency_key": "4e996fb0-248b-4a21-8258-8880d960ff57",
"order": {
"location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
"line_items": [
"quantity": "1",
"name": "item_1",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 100,
"currency": "USD"
"taxes": [
"name": "city",
"percentage": "10",
"scope": "ORDER",
"type": "INCLUSIVE"
Ok, so I need to work with a percentage, rather than an amount and it will work? I will try it out.