CatalogModifierOverride has a modifier_id, but CatalogModifer had no ID

I’m trying to figure out what the “modifier_id” in the CatalogModifierOverride object corresponds to.

There’s no id in the CatalogModifier object.

How do we determine which Modifier is overridden without an ID on the CatalogModifier objects? I don’t see a way to make that link.

:wave: The modifier is also wrapped in the CatalogObject, and the ID is there. For example:

            "type": "MODIFIER",
            "id": "XFPDUEFIV2X4GBZCNRUTWQP3",
            "updated_at": "2021-06-17T19:02:51.355Z",
            "version": 1623956571355,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "present_at_all_locations": true,
            "modifier_data": {
                "name": "Fruit Cup",
                "price_money": {
                    "amount": 300,
                    "currency": "USD"
                "on_by_default": false,
                "ordinal": 1,
                "modifier_list_id": "M2JDAVYQCJEK2KAUTVJAYRTK"

Thanks! Your modifier_data has “on_by_default”, but the docs don’t have it. Is that expected? Thanks. CatalogModifier Object - Square API Reference