Catalog object inside the variations array inside the item_data attribute

I have executed the Catalog Search API and I wanted to know the difference between the main Catalog Object and the Catalog Object inside the variations array inside the item_data attribute of the said catalog object.

For example in the below example JSON:

    "type": "ITEM",
    "item_data": {
        "variations": [
                "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
                "updated_at": "2020-11-16T02:35:32.629Z",
                "version": 1605494132629,
                "is_deleted": false,
                "present_at_all_locations": false,
                "present_at_location_ids": [
                "item_variation_data": {

What is the difference between the Catalog Object represented by the MAIN_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID and the ITEM_DATA_VARIATION_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID?
Are there attributes exclusive to the ITEM_DATA_VARIATION_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID based Catalog Object? Or will this catalog object with id ITEM_DATA_VARIATION_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID not be available directly via the Catalog APIs like list and search?

Please do let us know. Thanks

The MAIN_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID is an ITEM, which does not have a price or inventory. The latter is an ITEM_VARIATION, which all items must have if you plan on selling the item. Without a variation, an item cannot be sold, nor will it show up in the seller dashboard. Take a look at our Design a Catalog documentation for more information about how these two are different…

Ok. Makes sense. These Catalog Objects with the id ITEM_DATA_VARIATION_CATALOG_OBJECT_ID will they be available directly as well via the Catalog List/Search API? Or will they only be available via the item data variations list? Please do let me know. Many thanks and happy holidays.

Yes, you do have the ability to Search and Retrieve, and List on variations. :slightly_smiling_face: