Can you modify which fields are required for a subscription payment?

I would like to remove the need for a user to fill out the country field for a recurring payment submission. Is that possible?

Are these subscription plans that are created with the Subscriptions API or is it from the Seller Dashboard? :slightly_smiling_face:

I am using the ConnectAPI for web payment processing.

Okay, the country code isn’t required when creating the customer profile that’s used when creating a subscription. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, I am new to this and not a developer but I am validating what my developer is telling me. We are using the ConnectAPI to process payments on a web page for people to make donations. We want to use the monthly subscriptions for someone to make 12 monthly donations. What I need to know to guide my developer is what are the minimum fields requires from Stripe to sign up for a subscription payment. I originally just had first, last, email but when making the payment we got the below error and my developer said I need to enable first, last, address, address1, city,state, zip, country in order for subscriptions to process through square.

This is the error.

:wave: The error that you’re getting isn’t cause a lack of information that wasn’t included in the request. It’s cause the value you provided for []( isn’t a valid value. They’ll need to make sure that if they provide the billing address country that its set correctly. :slightly_smiling_face:

I send your reply to my developers and they have the following response.

One of my developers did a quick test just to confirm a theory and after reading the Square’s customer support it appears that even when passed a “correct” value according to the link the Square customer support representative supplied - they are returning the exact same error. If asked, this is the body of the request we tried (we tried two requests - ZZ which is unknown and US).

[body] => {“idempotency_key”:“62e029fd30c8e”,“source_id”:“cnon:CBASEMddvpX5w0lUtGnCeZN1aus”,“verification_token”:“verf:CBASEMj0VK53BBQ32Xx0lJHvcBs”,“card”:{“cardholder_name”:“David Test2”,“customer_id”:“1VTSDWACMCS2ZDSB4MKJY7C6Q0”,“billing_address”:{“address_line_1”:“”,“address_line_2”:“”,“locality”:“”,“country”:“”,“postal_code”:“”,“country_code”:“US”}}}

[body] => {“idempotency_key”:“62e029fd30c8e”,“source_id”:“cnon:CBASEMddvpX5w0lUtGnCeZN1aus”,“verification_token”:“verf:CBASEMj0VK53BBQ32Xx0lJHvcBs”,“card”:{“cardholder_name”:“David Test2”,“customer_id”:“1VTSDWACMCS2ZDSB4MKJY7C6Q0”,“billing_address”:{“address_line_1”:“”,“address_line_2”:“”,“locality”:“”,“country”:“”,“postal_code”:“”,“country_code”:“ZZ”}}}

Perhaps the support person can supply the above modified to what should be sent, although our developers followed the support doc instructions in the link. Hopefully that will get us further.