Can I customize the Order Confirmation email?

Hi, I am using the PHP SDK to create an online storefront. The page I am building uses the Checkout API to hand users off to a Square-hosted checkout page for payment processing. So far, everything is working well (the test orders I have run are going through and payments are being processed).

However, I would like to modify the templates for the auto-responder emails Square sends to customers after they place an order. For instance, pickup orders are fulfilled off-site at a lockbox. We need to provide information on how to access the lockbox in the email customers receive after placing an order.

Is there any way to customize the content of these emails? I have looked in vain for information on this. My apologies if I am just missing something really obvious.

:wave: Currently, the ability to customize the email confirmation that is sent to a customer when a checkout is paid for isn’t currently available with the Checkout API. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for replying to squickly, Bryan. Is it available with any of the other payment processing APIs, e.g. the Payments API?

Currently there isn’t an email confirmation sent with the Payments API. This would allow you to build your own customized email confirmation with the payment response however you would need to have a service that sends the emails out.

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Ok, thanks for all your help. I think I should be able to configure a customized email for the Payments API myself.

Great! Feel free to reach out with any additional questions. We’re always happy to help.

Thanks for response, Really helpful and thankful for my official site.