I’d like to get all the IN_STOCK inventory for a location at once, but I’ve noticed that BatchInventoryCounts [1] seems to return fewer results than I’d expect. There are inventory levels being set on a location that are not being returned. I’ve validated that they have inventory counts by calling the RetrieveInventoryCount [2] endpoint. I’m not hitting any cursor/pagination logic either, this is a very small set of items/variations
Why would some items not show in the batch call, though they can be retrieved via the individual count call?
[1] https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square/inventory-api/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts
[2] https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square/inventory-api/retrieve-inventory-count
What are the object ID for the items that aren’t being returning inventory counts? 
In the sandbox environment the object is an item variation with the ID “HAGVOK5UWB524DX2HQPWCQXD”
For the single inventory count api request I get a count indicating it’s got 4 in stock. From the batch inventory count api I dont see any counts for this ID
Thanks for providing the example. I’ve replicated this and the team is looking into this. 
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Hy @Bryan-Square Have your team found its solution? Because I am also facing the same issue.
If you make a change to the variation does it resolve the issue? For example a recount? 
I just ran into this. The documentation says you pass in 1000 category ids. I was only doing batches of 100 and not getting the count of certain variations. I lowered the batch size to 50 and all the sudden I got all the variation counts. Definitely something weird going on. Hope that helps someone & square