We met the retrieveCatalogObject API connect issue from 12:19pm to 12:24pm CDT. The application id is sq0idp-VRrzPhjv1BfHcpJMTg_byg. Error was 404 Not Foound.
Can you please check the reason for us? Our client lost money on that.
We met the retrieveCatalogObject API connect issue from 12:19pm to 12:24pm CDT. The application id is sq0idp-VRrzPhjv1BfHcpJMTg_byg. Error was 404 Not Foound.
Can you please check the reason for us? Our client lost money on that.
Can you share what location_id it was for? I’m not seeing any 404 errors in the last few days for that application id.
Location id is : TNBFH581QXHHM
Is there any update on that?
Sorry for the delay. I checked in with the Catalog’s team about this, and we were still unable to find any of these errors, so I’m not sure what may have happened. They did not have any outage on their side as far as they know, nor did we get other reports of this. I’ll let you know if I find anything else. Has it happened again since the initial report?