2019-07-10 Changelog

Connect v2
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Version summary

  • Square Version: 2019-07-10
  • .NET: 2.20.0
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  • Breaking change — As of 2019-07-10 Java and .NET Connect SDKs do not support explicit ENUM types. Instead, the SDKs pass ENUM values as static Strings. Developer code can now choose to ignore unexpected String values when Square APIs return new values instead of being forced to throw runtime errors due to unexpected types. Additional information, including migration help, is available in the READMEs for the affected SDKs.
  • Retired functionality — The CatalogItem.image_url field (deprecated under Square-Version 2019-03-27) is retired and no longer included in Connect SDKs.

The new SDKs are available through most popular package managers and on GitHub:

PHP   | Node.js   | Ruby   | Python   | .NET   | Java

Did you know?

We are constantly evaluating new languages to add. In the meantime, if the language you need is not supported, you can always send JSON to the endpoint URLs directly.