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2024-12-18 Changelog
Team API
Payments API
The App Marketplace requirements appear in developer documentation (App Marketplace API Usage Requirements) and in the Developer Console. In most cases, requirement questions and resulting requirements appear in both places. Otherwise, they appear in the Developer Console only.
The following requirements are added or updated in the documentation and the Developer Console:
- New requirement - "Your app assigns a job to all team members it creates in Square."
- Updated requirement:
- Original requirement - "Your app can sync updated employee details (such as name or email) to Square."
- New requirement - "Your app can sync updated employee details (such as name, email, or wage settings) to Square."
- Updated requirement:
- Original requirement - "Your app can sync updated team member details (such as name or email) from Square."
- New requirement - "Your app can sync updated team member details (such as name, email, or wage settings) from Square."
- Removed requirement - "Your app can sync updated wage settings from Square.".
- Updated question - "Select the payment solutions present in your app."
- New option - "Mobile Payments SDK"
- New requirement - "Your app requests sufficient privacy/device permissions when using the Mobile Payments SDK."
- New requirement - "Your app prompts the seller to select a location when using the Mobile Payments SDK."
- New requirement - "Your app only attempts to authorize the Mobile Payments SDK on devices that don’t already have a valid authorization."
- New requirement - "Your app can successfully pair a Square Reader."
- New requirement - "Your app provides a way for the seller to check the Square Reader's current connection status."
- New requirement - "Your app can successfully forget a previously paired Square Reader."
- New requirement - "Your app deauthorizes the Mobile Payments SDK when a user logs out of your app or hasn’t had any activity in the app within 4 hours."
- New requirement - "Your app successfully takes a card-present payment using the Mobile Payments SDK."
- New requirement - "Your payment solution is only intended for use in kiosks or terminals that are attended by the seller's team."
- New requirement - "Your app handles declined Mobile Payments SDK payments."
- New requirement - "Your app provides buyers with the option to receive a digital or printed receipt."
- New requirement - "Your app provides buyers who opt-in with a digital or printed receipt."
- New requirement - "Your app runs the Mobile Payments SDK exclusively on currently supported devices. If a seller tries to run the app on an unsupported device, your app displays a user-friendly error. "
- New question - "Does your app accept manual keyed entry credit card payments with the Mobile Payments SDK?"
- New requirement - "Your app successfully takes a payment from a manually keyed card entry using the Mobile Payments SDK."
- New question - "Does your app support taking offline payments using the Mobile Payments SDK?"
- New requirement - "Your app successfully takes a payment offline."
- New requirement - "When reconnected, your app retrieves successful and failed offline transactions."
- New requirement - "Your app notifies sellers about any queued offline transactions before deauthorizing."
- New requirement - "Your app provides proper documentation and in-app alerts to notify sellers when offline."
- New question - "Confirm that your app runs the Mobile Payments SDK exclusively on currently supported devices. If a seller tries to run the app on an unsupported device, your app displays a user-friendly error. "
- New question - "Confirm that your payment solution is only intended for use in kiosks or terminals that are attended by the seller's team."