2024-03-22 Changelog

App Marketplace Requirements
Bookings API
Catalog API
Customers API
Locations API
Terminal API
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Version summary

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The App Marketplace requirements appear in developer documentation (App Marketplace Requirements) and in the Developer Dashboard. In most cases, requirement questions and resulting requirements appear in both places. Otherwise, they appear in the Developer Dashboard only.

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Updated requirements

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Developer Dashboard

The following requirements are added or updated in the Developer Dashboard:

  • Bookings API
    • "Describe how you use booking custom attributes.", updated answer type
    • "Do you sync all services or is there a service onboarding experience?", updated options
    • "Do you create your own services using the Catalog API?"
    • "Do you provide a mechanism to sync new services added in Square?"
    • "Do you sync bookings across all Square locations or just one? What is the mapping?"
    • "Are syncs asynchronous?"
    • "If changes are made to a service in the partner platform, and the merchant re-syncs their appointments, what happens to the service in Square?"
    • "If changes are made to a service in Square, and the merchant re-syncs their catalog, what happens to the service in the partner platform?"
  • Catalog API
    • "Which platform is considered the 'System of Record' for catalog updates?", updated answer options
    • "If your app provides a setting for the seller to pull items, what level is set?", updated answer options
    • "Does your app initiate a sync immediately when connecting to a seller's account using OAuth? If not, how does the initial sync occur?", clarified question
    • "Does your app provide a mechanism to initiate a sync?", clarified question
    • "How does your app handle items that aren't available at specific locations?", clarified question
    • "If changes are made to a product in Square and the merchant initiates another catalog sync, what happens to the product in your app's platform?", clarified question
    • "If changes are made to a product in your app's platform, and the merchant resyncs their item catalog, what happens to products in the Square catalog?", clarified question
    • "Are catalog syncs asynchronous?"
    • "What is the time interval between polls or syncs? Is the interval preset or can a seller choose the interval?"
    • "Are catalog syncs asynchronous?"
    • "Please describe how you use catalog custom attributes."
    • "If inventory changes are manually made to a product in Square, what happens to the inventory in the your platform?"
    • "If an item is sold in Square, what happens to the item's inventory in the your platform?"
    • "If inventory changes are manually made to a product in your platform, what happens to the inventory in Square?"
    • "If an item is sold in your platform, what happens to the item's inventory in Square?"
    • "Which platform is considered the 'System of Record' for inventory updates?"
    • "Does your app use the Inventory API?"
  • Customers API
    • "Please describe how you use customer custom attributes."
  • Locations API
    • "Please describe how you use location custom attributes."
  • Terminal API
    • "What separate_tip_screen setting does your app use?", updated answer choices
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The following requirements are added or updated in the documentation and the Developer Dashboard:

  • Bookings API
    • "Do you use the Booking Custom Attributes API?"
  • Catalog API
    • "Does your app use the Catalog Custom Attributes API?"
  • Customers API
    • "Do you use the Card on File feature along with the Customers API?"
    • "Does your app use the Customer Custom Attributes API?"
    • "Do you use the Customer Segments API?"
  • Locations API
    • "Does your app use the Location Custom Attributes API?"