2024-09-19 Changelog

Bookings API
Customers API
Orders API
Payments API
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Version summary

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API updates

  • Bookings API:

    • Booking object - You can provide a customer address when creating a booking as long as the location_type is set to CUSTOMER_LOCATION.
  • Customers API:

    • Customer object - The cards field will be retired in Square API version 2024-12-18. This field is replaced by the ListCards and ListGiftCards endpoints with the customer_id query parameter.

      Note that the retirement date for the deprecated CreateCustomerCard and DeleteCustomerCard endpoints isn't currently scheduled, but you should migrate to the Cards API and Gift Cards API as soon as possible. For more information, see Migration notes.

  • Orders API:

    • Order object - For Square API versions prior to 2024-09-19: Order line items, with fractional quantities not associated with a catalog item variation that's configured for fractional units (references a CatalogMeasurementUnit), now include the order.line_items[].quantity_unit property. For information about creating fractional line items, see Line items with a fractional quantity.
  • Payments API:

    • Payment object - New terminal_checkout_id field that associates a Terminal checkout with a payment.

Learn about versioning for the Square API and SDKs.