2023-10-18 Changelog

Bookings API
Devices API
Subscriptions API
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Version summary

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API updates

  • Bookings API - Introduces location booking profiles to determine whether a location is enabled for online booking.

  • Devices API:

    • DeviceStatus enum - New OFFLINE enum value (Beta) for the category field that represents the current offline status of a device.
  • Subscriptions API - Subscriptions on a month-based cadence can now have their billing anchor dates configured. This might be, for example, the first day of each month for a monthly subscription or the fifth day of each quarter for a quarterly subscription. For more information, see Subscription Billing and Invoices.

    • ChangeBillingAnchorDate endpoint - New endpoint that changes the billing anchor date for a single subscription.

    • BulkSwapPlan endpoint - New endpoint that schedules a plan variation change for all active subscriptions under a given plan variation.

    • Subscription object - Added the following field:

      • monthly_billing_anchor_date field - The day of the month on which the recurring invoice is published for the subscription.
    • CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation object - Added the following fields:

      • monthly_billing_anchor_date field - The day of the month on which the recurring invoice is published for the subscription.
      • can_prorate field - Whether bills for this plan variation can be split for proration.
      • successor_plan_variation_id field - The ID of a replacement CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation object used when the current plan is marked as Deprecated. For more information, see Swap Subscription Plan Variations.
    • SubscriptionAction object - New CHANGE_BILLING_ANCHOR_DATE action type for scheduling a billing anchor date change.

    • SubscriptionEvent object - New BILLING_ANCHOR_DATE_CHANGED event type that indicates the subscription's billing date was changed.