2017-11-02 Changelog

Connect v2
Square Payment Form
Transactions API
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Developers and platform building on Square Payment Form or Checkout API can now monetize a portion of those transactions. This is the first step in bringing economic empowerment not just to Square sellers but also Developers building with Square APIs. The release is accompanied by a new SDK (2.5) release in all supported languages.

  • New field: Transactions.Charge supports additional_recipients represents an additional recipient (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this tender.
  • New endpoint: Reporting.AdditionalRecipientReceivables — returns a list of receivables (across all source locations) representing monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the additional_recipients field in a transaction.
  • New endpoint: Reporting.AdditionalRecipientReceivablesRefunds — returns a list of refunded transactions (across all source locations) related to monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the additional_recipients field in a transaction.