<- Catalog API

Catalog API

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Search catalog objects



Searches for CatalogObject of any type by matching supported search attribute values, excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified query expressions.

This (SearchCatalogObjects) endpoint differs from the SearchCatalogItems endpoint in the following aspects:

  • SearchCatalogItems can only search for items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects can search for any type of catalog objects.
  • SearchCatalogItems supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item variations that contain custom attribute values, where SearchCatalogObjects does not.
  • SearchCatalogItems does not support the include_deleted_objects filter to search for deleted items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects does.
  • The both endpoints have different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
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Request body

Example code

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The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave unset for an initial request. See Pagination for more information.

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The desired set of object types to appear in the search results.

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If true, deleted objects will be included in the results. Deleted objects will have their is_deleted field set to true.

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If true, the response will include additional objects that are related to the requested object, as follows:

If a CatalogItem is returned in the object field of the response, its associated CatalogCategory, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and CatalogModifierList objects will be included in the related_objects field of the response.

If a CatalogItemVariation is returned in the object field of the response, its parent CatalogItem will be included in the related_objects field of the response.

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Return objects modified after this timestamp, in RFC 3339 format, e.g., 2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z. The timestamp is exclusive - objects with a timestamp equal to begin_time will not be included in the response.

Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:

UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z

Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00

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A query to be used to filter or sort the results. If no query is specified, the entire catalog will be returned.

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A limit on the number of results to be returned in a single page. The limit is advisory - the implementation may return more or fewer results. If the supplied limit is negative, zero, or is higher than the maximum limit of 1,000, it will be ignored.

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Response fields

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Any errors that occurred during the request.

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The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset, this is the final response. See Pagination for more information.

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The CatalogObjects returned.

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A list of CatalogObjects referenced by the objects in the objects field.

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When the associated product catalog was last updated. Will match the value for end_time or cursor if either field is included in the SearchCatalog request.