Web Payments SDK Issue - Input Fields are un-selectable on Mobile


I am using the Web Payments client-side SDK and it was working just fine for a while. However, starting yesterday I am unable to select into any of the fields (Card Number, date, CVV).

I am in Chrome developer tools. When I switch to responsive view using “Toggle Device Toolbar” it is not working (this is vital for mobile/tablet). If I am in non-responsive mode (the default) it works fine.

This could very well be an issue with the Chrome Dev Tools Mobile emulator. But just in case it’s not.


:wave: What version of Chrome are you seeing this behavior? Also what browser troubleshooting have you done. I just tested with Chrome Version 95.0.4638.69 and it worked as expected.


I tested on safari and it works just fine it. It must be a chrome dev tool bug. Thank you.

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