Unable to register as developer -reCaptcha problem

Dear All,
For 3 days I am trying to register as developer, and start developing/integrating square into a web server.
The registration form reports an error.
I just discovered that error cause by missing Googl reCaptcha.
I never had it, and never use it. Most probably, it is blocked in my PC/windows and all browser.
What should I do?
Can support can help and register me?
Sincerely Yours,

Are you able to login to Square at all? :slightly_smiling_face:

I did register to this forum.
But I can not register to development. At URL:


If you signed up for Square then you’re all set to go. A Square account is a developer account. :slightly_smiling_face:

The Sign-In shows Google reCaptcha, but I manage to get it.
Sadly, it says the user+password are incorrect.

I do not know how, but I just try registration and all went good.
I guess Support and you all helped a lot.
Many thanks,

Dear All,

For documentation and help to other new users, I just wanted to state the problem and the fix:

(1) Square developer registration with Locale (= country), does not state in page any use of Google reCaptcha.

(2) Square developer registration with Locale USA does state clearly in page the use of Google reCaptcha.

(3) The page logic phases are:
(3.0) Based on IP Address determine user loca, and automatically redirect to the same page with additional parameter “locale=xy”
(3.1) Take name+email+password from new user.
(3.2) check it
(3.3) Google reCaptcha init and shown to user
(3.4) User verify he/she are not a robot
(3.5) Form send into to sever to save and record and redirect to Developer app etc.

The actual problem I had:
My windows HOSTS file contained 2 lines: www.google.com www.gstatic.com

Update windows HOSTS file to be with:
sign-number-to-comment-line www.google.com
sign-number-to-comment-line www.gstatic.com

The Google reCaptha shown, and Square registration page was fine and running.

Thank you for your support.

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