Unable to load 'Connect a Reader' screen from settingsAsync on Stripe v2.5.2

Hey Bryan,

Now have a build with 1.5.5 and Stripe 2.6, and it does still happen, albeit it’s a bit better than before.

Before getting into some of the repros I’m finding, some product specific context of our app that’ll help in explaining the repros:

  • our “reader configuration” screen is the first thing that loads in our app. On that screen is a “Find a Device” button which, when clicked, loads the Square reader modal pairing.
  • once in the app, the only other avenue to our app’s reader configuration screen is via an admin panel that redirects back to it

Given that, the repros:

  • App Load → Our app’s “Find a Device” → Square Modal “Connect a Device”: Still doesn’t work consistently. Takes a few tries within app (i.e.: Close Square Modal → Click “Find a Device” to open modal again) for “Connect a Device” to move to the actual reader pairing screen.

  • Additional to above, eventually the Back Button from the actual reader pairing screen/modal to “Connect a Device” modal will just stop working, and end up stuck on the pairing screen.

  • If loading our reader config screen from the admin panel and opening the Square modal, it seems it works more often but inconsistently. Sometimes the initial modal works but the “Connect a Device” button doesn’t do anything, while other times it will navigate correctly to Square’s pairing screen.

  • Note, however, even in this case, sometimes the pairing screen’s back button will stop working.

I’ll take a look at our logs again under these circumstances; this is the first time it’s been “working”-ish within the same session. That said, would appreciate assistance on this one.
