Subscription An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request

Received token: cnon:CBASENINt3NMqPOB6gvmSEzDSn0,
Received subscription details: {
plan: ‘Classic’,
time: ‘12’,
email: ‘[email protected]’,
phone: ‘+1 (111) 111-1111’
Using plan variation ID: S23Q4V5ROUBGAIU67LJSRMUS,
Using phase information: {
cadence: ‘ANNUAL’,
ordinal: ‘0’,
pricing: { type: ‘RELATIVE’ },
orderTemplates: [ { uid: ‘V42FWX5XW6WH6CYMVDEMRR5U’ } ]
body: ‘{“errors”: [{“code”: “INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR”,“detail”: “An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request.”,“category”: “API_ERROR”}]}\n’,
result: [Object: null prototype] { errors: [ [Object: null prototype] ] },
errors: [
[Object: null prototype] {
detail: ‘An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request.’,
category: ‘API_ERROR’
API Error details: {
“errors”: [
“detail”: “An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request.”,
“category”: “API_ERROR”
Getting An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request can somebody help what can be the problem?

What’s your application ID? :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking at the request JWQ6LBK4M3M2TSUTMY6QDBB4 isn’t an order_templet_id. You’ll need to create the order templet and pass that in the CreateSubscription request.

Also the error shouldn’t have been a 5xx. I’ve reached out to the team about this. :slightly_smiling_face:

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