Save Gift Card GAN or Id to Customer's Payment on File

I would like to use the Square API to save a customer’s gift card to their “Payment on File” section.

Is this possible?

If so, would I use the Card API to do this as soon as the gift card is created and linked to the customer? Or do I need to wait until the gift card is activated before saving it as a payment on file?

When paying online with a gift card, can the customer see their gift card balance, and does the online ordering website for Square remember the customer for 30 days so their gift card information is stored or do they need to type it in every time?

Finally, would the cashier taking the payment be able to see the gift card balance within the customer’s profile?

Thank you!

Yes, this is possible. You’ll use LinkCustomerToGiftCard endpoint.

When using the Square online store it won’t allow the customer to see the gift card balance. I don’t believe the customer will see their stored gift card on file and they’ll have enter the card each time for online store purchases. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you!

I have used the LinkCustomerToGiftCard endpoint and I receive a 200 response, but I don’t see the gift card listed as a payment on file for either the sandbox or production environments.

When I retrieve the customer I can see that the gift card has been linked, and likewise, when I retrieve the gift card I can see that the customer id is listed.

I’ve tried creating a gift card and linking it, and creating a gift card, activating it, and then linking it, but neither of these shows the gift card listed as a payment on file for the customer.

Is there something else I need to do before it is linked? Is there a setting for saving card information that also applies to gift cards that I need to turn on?

I just checked again after waiting about an hour and I do see the gift card listed under payment on file for the customer within the Production environment.

However, the gift card is still not listed under the payment on file for the customer in the Sandbox environment.

Do you know if this happens instantly as soon as the LinkCustomerToGiftCard endpoint is called, or if it takes some time to update?

Thank you!

It should happen instantly. What’s your application ID? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for taking a look! The Sandbox application id is: sandbox-sq0idb-_IuMM_PJgDgCeJhchXfMWg

Also, I had a couple more questions.

My application uses a Stripe checkout page to load a Square gift card with a balance.

When a gift card is loaded from a third party this way and a buyer_payment_instrument_id is provided, does Square take a processing fee to load the gift card?

So in this example, Stripe would take their processing fee, and then Square would also take a processing fee?

If a gift card is saved as a payment on file and the customer is using the gift card to pay for their purchase, will the business be charged any processing fees on that transaction?

Thanks again!

Hey Bryan,

I was wondering if you were able to see anything on your side for the sandbox gift card payment on file issue.

Also, if you have some time, I have a couple more questions about loading a gift card.

My application integrates with Stripe, and I have been using Stripe checkout pages to load a gift card in the sandbox environment.

When a gift card is loaded from a third party this way and a buyer_payment_instrument_id is provided, does Square take a processing fee to load the gift card?

So in this example, Stripe would take their processing fee, and then Square would also take a processing fee?

If a gift card is saved as a payment on file and the customer is using the gift card to pay for their purchase, will the business be charged any processing fees on that transaction?

Thanks again!