Sandbox Merchant has no business hours

We have just created new developer account/app and added new Sandbox Test Account. However, we noticed that the both default test account and non-default account have very limited functionality. For example, our test merchant does not have ability to add business hours to locations as you see in attached screen.

Is there way to “upgrade” test account to have full functionality?

Hi @rad welcome to the forums!

At this time I’m unaware of when/if this would be made available in the sandbox. I’ll update this to be a feature request because it currently is not possible to add that functionality.

Hi @Bryan-Square

It seems that I can’t add business hours on a staging store. Is this expected behaviour? I need the hours to work on a staging store to test purchases so really hoping I can do this

Where are you looking to add business hours. It’s supported with the Locations API in sandbox. :slightly_smiling_face: