Receive V1_ERROR with code Uknown when trying to obtain token after redirecting from Oauth page

Here is what I receive after sending request to obtain token method with code recived from Oauth page.


Code responsible for obtaining token (PHP):

$body = new ObtainTokenRequest($this->applicationId, 'authorization_code');

$apiResponse = $client->getOAuthApi()->obtainToken($body);

What can be wrong?

Also, I issued some problems with Log In, and receive the message that Square is blocked in Ukraine, maybe that is the reason of such behavior.

The owner of this website ( has banned the country or region your IP address is in (UA) from accessing this website.

Need urgent help!

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Yes, as per regulatory sanctions we do restrict traffic to certain regions. If your are in one of these sanctioned regions you won’t be able to use Square. :slightly_smiling_face:

How I can develop functionality for my customer located in USA if I am in Ukraine?

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@Bryan-Square please help me.

At this time we don’t have a recommended work around since this is government mandated. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just install VPN and that’s it. With VPN it works. @Bryan-Square make some updates to API, so developers will know where to dig in to fix it. Because V1_ERROR & Unknown doesn’t give any idea what’s wrong.

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