Can I please confirm that the following is still correct when building ReaderSDK on Android?
The Square developer website says:
Prerequisites and assumptions
To build with the Reader SDK, the following must be true:
“Your application targetSdkVersion is API 29 (Q, 10.0) or earlier.”
“The Reader SDK is not supported on Android versions earlier than API 19 (KitKat, 4.4). Square does not recommend targeting Android versions later than API 29 (Q, 10.0) with the Reader SDK.”
“Your application uses Google Play Services version 16.0.1. Square cannot guarantee that the SDK works with different versions of these libraries.”
So Android is now up to API 31 I believe which means that Square is now 2 versions behind. Can you please confirm that this is still the case.
Also the Google Play Services is now up to version 19.0.1 Is it still the case that we should only use 16.0.1?
Square website:
"Add the Reader SDK dependencies.
dependencies {
def readerSdkVersion = “1.5.1”
implementation “com.squareup.sdk.reader:reader-sdk-”
I somehow managed to download and use version (Android) def readerSdkVersion 1.5.3
Is it now Ok to use this version?