Pass customer_id to a payment link

I have just discovered that passing customer_id to a payment link does nothing.

It returns a new client instead. This way I cannot differentiate, who has purchased subscription originally because I need to mark my customers with internal ID. So first I create a customer, then I need to create a payment link for them.

Is it even possible? If not, how do I assign a subscription with specific metadata to a client with specific metadata which was created before?

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Create a Card on File from a Payment ID
Subscription Plan Checkout
Customers API Workflows

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Or at least read metadata from subscription, this way I can at least attach real user ID to subscription.

Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.

Hey @ThingsAreRatherStran!

Customer IDs with the CreatePaymentLink endpoint are derived based on the entered customer information, so the customer_id field in an order won’t apply here.

As far as passing metadata goes, I’d recommend trying something like this:

  1. In your CreatePaymentLink request, set the metadata field in your order. Alternatively, if you’re specifically looking to set an internal customer ID, you can consider using reference_id. Please note that the order created here is an order template, which is not the same order that gets paid in a subscription’s invoice.
  2. Listen for the subscription.created webhook, which will fire when a new subscription is created.
  3. In that webhook body, you’ll find an order_template_id field.
  4. If you retrieve that order_template_id via the Orders API, you’ll get back the order you created for your Payment Link, including metadata and reference_id if those were set.

Let us know if you have any follow up questions!

Hey @josh-square!

I appreciate your input. By swapping quick_pay with order I could finally get my metadata to show up.

I passed customer_id to Order according to documentation but resulting Payment had new customer_id. However, when I retrieved subscription by its ID from primary_recipient, correct customer_id was returned for that subscription_id.

However, I could not find any metadata that I have passed along with the request. I could find it in [:subscription][:phases][0][:order_template_id] inside subscription. Well, I guess it is better than nothing and at least I can put some metadata now.

I do not listen to subscription.created/subscription.updated as I need to capture each and every payment, so I listen to invoice.paid.