I’m doing some investigation to see if we can use the webhooks subscriptions to synchronize a Square POS terminal with our inventory system. We want to know when we make a sale, what SKUs and how many we have sold and what transaction ID’s they belong to. I’ve set up a endpoint in webhook.site and I’m sending test event data to inspect it but I’m not seeing any order details. All I see is header information. Is that just because it’s test data? What events include the sale of SKUs?
“merchant_id”: “MLEEN14GDS67J”,
“location_id”: “ES0RJRZYEC39A”,
“type”: “invoice.created”,
“event_id”: “9cfeaac8-d5db-4baa-943d-58b50889c3b5”,
“created_at”: “2022-12-01T23:14:17.587646532Z”,
“data”: {
“type”: “invoice”,
“id”: “inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY”,
“object”: {
“invoice”: {
“accepted_payment_methods”: {
“bank_account”: false,
“buy_now_pay_later”: false,
“card”: true,
“square_gift_card”: false
“created_at”: “2020-06-18T17:45:13Z”,
“custom_fields”: [
“label”: “Event Reference Number”,
“placement”: “ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS”,
“value”: “Ref. #1234”
“label”: “Terms of Service”,
“placement”: “BELOW_LINE_ITEMS”,
“value”: “The terms of service are…”
“delivery_method”: “EMAIL”,
“description”: “We appreciate your business!”,
“id”: “inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY”,
“invoice_number”: “inv-100”,
“location_id”: “ES0RJRZYEC39A”,
“order_id”: “CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY”,
“payment_requests”: [
“automatic_payment_source”: “NONE”,
“computed_amount_money”: {
“amount”: 10000,
“currency”: “USD”
“due_date”: “2030-01-24”,
“reminders”: [
“message”: “Your invoice is due tomorrow”,
“relative_scheduled_days”: -1,
“status”: “PENDING”,
“uid”: “beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11”
“request_type”: “BALANCE”,
“tipping_enabled”: true,
“total_completed_amount_money”: {
“amount”: 0,
“currency”: “USD”
“uid”: “2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355”
“primary_recipient”: {
“customer_id”: “JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4”,
“email_address”: “[email protected]”,
“family_name”: “Earhart”,
“given_name”: “Amelia”,
“phone_number”: “1-212-555-4240”
“sale_or_service_date”: “2030-01-24”,
“scheduled_at”: “2030-01-13T10:00:00Z”,
“status”: “DRAFT”,
“store_payment_method_enabled”: false,
“timezone”: “America/Los_Angeles”,
“title”: “Event Planning Services”,
“updated_at”: “2020-06-18T17:45:13Z”,
“version”: 0