Hi everyone,
I just started digging around the Square API the other day and I am trying to get a very basic setup and understanding of how I can implement what I need into my existing website. I will try to go into as much detail as possible, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to create customers without any issues, but where I am really struggling is having a form where that customer can enter in their credit card numbers and then have it stored under their Square customer information. The issue that I am having definitely has to do with the nonce/source_id because when I use the sandbox “cnon:card-nonce-ok” the information gets loaded to the customers Square without any issues.
For testing I have been trying to keep all of the code in one page so I will include all of that below.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://web.squarecdn.com/v1/square.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async function() {
const payments = Square.payments('xxxx', 'xxxx');
const card = await payments.card();
await card.attach('#card-container');
document.getElementById('payment-form').addEventListener('submit', async function(event) {
const tokenResult = await card.tokenize();
if (tokenResult.status === 'OK') {
console.log('Tokenization succeeded, nonce:', tokenResult.token);
document.getElementById('nonce').value = tokenResult.token;
this.submit(); // Submit the form with the nonce as part of the request
} else {
console.error('Tokenization failed with errors:', tokenResult.errors);
alert('Failed to tokenize card. Please try again.');
<form id="payment-form" method="post">
<div id="card-container"></div>
<input type="text" id="nonce" name="nonce">
<button id="submitCard" type="submit">Submit Card</button>
use Square\SquareClient;
use Square\Environment;
use Square\Models\CreateCustomerCardRequest;
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && isset($_POST['nonce'])) {
$client = new SquareClient([
'accessToken' => 'xxxx',
'environment' => Environment::SANDBOX
$cardNonce = $_POST['nonce'];
$idempotencyKey = bin2hex(random_bytes(22));
echo $cardNonce;
echo '<br /><br />';
$card = new \Square\Models\Card();
$card->setCardholderName('John Doe');
$body = new \Square\Models\CreateCardRequest(
$api_response = $client->getCardsApi()->createCard($body);
if ($api_response->isSuccess()) {
$result = $api_response->getResult();
} else {
$errors = $api_response->getErrors();
If I submit the form as it is right now with that code then I receive the error below, but like I mentioned before if I replace $cardNonce with “cnon:card-nonce-ok” then everything works as intended.
Array ( [0] => Square\Models\Error Object ( [category:Square\Models\Error:private] => INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR [code:Square\Models\Error:private] => INVALID_CARD_DATA [detail:Square\Models\Error:private] => Invalid card data. [field:Square\Models\Error:private] => source_id ) )
I assume that I am doing something wrong when generating/making a token for the nonce, but I have spent days on this now and I am completely stumped at the moment. Hoping someone here is able to help point me in the right direction.