How do I know if a payment belongs to collector or owner on a check?

When an order comes into our system via API we will record the sale under whoever is listed as 'collected by' instead of the 'owned by' assignment.

This is not the way a customer wants our program to work but there is no other way for us to parse the data to do what the customer wants (or so it seems)

The behavior that the customer wants to see is that a server opens a check and a manager can collect payment on the check and still have the order and tips assign to the server which is how Square records things. We just don't know how to differentiate between 'owner' and 'collector'.
We may not be pulling from the correct endpoint...

I have attached an example order that only references an employee named Tamta (she collected)
But Adara is the one the sale is actually owned by and square assigns Adara the sale and tips etc.

`yndsLLYSM1_F3gfRCnWL` : Tamta


This issue pops up if there are multiple payments and we don't know how to solve it.

For now, we are popping up a disclaimer for customers.

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“updated_at”: “2021-06-13T04:33:55.000Z”,
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“state”: “COMPLETED”,
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“captured_at”: “2021-06-13T04:33:56.997Z”
“location_id”: “SD9CNJJ4D2W99”,
“order_id”: “fUIwFR1ArT8MwtiPYF7iazgeV”,
“employee_id”: “yndsLLYSM1_F3gfRCnWL”,
“receipt_number”: “f1Xq”,
“receipt_url”: “”,
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“id”: “haRUJZgjLmyaRHRDB7QKaqqPvaB”,
“created_at”: “2021-06-13T02:51:17.408Z”,
“updated_at”: “2021-06-13T04:33:57.323Z”,
“amount_money”: {
“amount”: 15136,
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“tip_money”: {
“amount”: 3027,
“currency”: “USD”
“total_money”: {
“amount”: 18163,
“currency”: “USD”
“approved_money”: {
“amount”: 15136,
“currency”: “USD”
“processing_fee”: [
“effective_at”: “2021-06-13T06:33:56.000Z”,
“type”: “INITIAL”,
“amount_money”: {
“amount”: 482,
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“status”: “COMPLETED”,
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“last_4”: “9578”,
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“exp_year”: 2022,
“cardholder_name”: "PEPIN/EVERETT L ",
“fingerprint”: “sq-1-UQPgtpbu0a5poFLVWs0vQgftZ0r2Q-oPjpCtRzZ4y50gG1TG69TT5NNk3n69xyPrnw”,
“card_type”: “CREDIT”,
“prepaid_type”: “NOT_PREPAID”,
“bin”: “521876”
“entry_method”: “SWIPED”,
“cvv_status”: “CVV_NOT_CHECKED”,
“avs_status”: “AVS_NOT_CHECKED”,
“auth_result_code”: “06631Z”,
“statement_description”: “SQ *ODA MEDITERRANEAN CU”,
“device_details”: {
“device_id”: “DEVICE_INSTALLATION_ID:790F704C-BF49-4E73-A41C-8B493AD38944”,
“device_installation_id”: “790F704C-BF49-4E73-A41C-8B493AD38944”,
“device_name”: “Oda”
“card_payment_timeline”: {
“authorized_at”: “2021-06-13T02:51:17.825Z”,
“captured_at”: “2021-06-13T04:33:56.379Z”
“location_id”: “SD9CNJJ4D2W99”,
“order_id”: “fUIwFR1ArT8MwtiPYF7iazgeV”,
“employee_id”: “yndsLLYSM1_F3gfRCnWL”,
“receipt_number”: “haRU”,
“receipt_url”: “”,
“version_token”: “Au5hpNN59NdgiiiofEGRHIdm8POdPHVO4s4kjI5F4Dw6o”,
“type”: “CARD”

With Square Restaurants the sale is attributed to the employee that opens the ticket. The collected by employee is the employee_id that will be associated to the payment that is returned with the Payments API. Unfortunately, the sale attributed to employee_id isn’t currently returned in either the order or payment object. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.

Hey Bryan, thank you for the reply. Is there a way to push certain requests like this up the queue? Our product - and any tip distribution product cant work (perfectly) with the way things are set up currently.

I can definitely move this to our Feature Requests where the team does review requests. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there any chance the “attributed to” property will be available in a future API?

At this time we don’t have public roadmaps for features and releases like this. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Bryan,

Do you have any update on providing check owner information with the order api?
It was raised around 2 years back.

At this time there aren’t any new updates on this feature request. :slightly_smiling_face: