HELP: SCA - migrating SQPaymentForm to Web Payments SDK - PHP

Seems I have not seen the last of the errors here, I had my 200’s in the API during testing, great…
so took the production offline “Site is undergoing maintenance” but whilst implimenting this on the sandbox and doing tests I found it still said payment successful on the client when in fact it said 400 in the api, I had reused the idempotencyKey and was expecting a fail. :frowning:

why is it saying payment success when it is failing at the API?
debug on client…

Payment Success
Object { errors: (1) […] }
errors: Array [ {…} ]
0: Object { category: “INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR”, code: “IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_REUSED”, detail: “Different request parameters used for the same idempotency_key: ###removed###.” }
​​length: 1