Hey @ayush_v! Can you tell me a bit more about you’re making this API request? Are you able to successfully make the request using something like API Explorer or Postman?
I am not making this request manually in my code…it runs when card is initialize by square backend, i think it is for input fields of card details like : card number, CVV, exp date and all.
Gotcha, sorry I didn’t catch that this was about Web Payments SDK! Is the site you are adding this to live somewhere that I can investigate this on my own browser? If so, feel free to message me directly with the link if that’s preferable.
here i am not getting any input filed to enter the card details…that fields generated by previously mentioned API…and currently that API is not working for sandbox environment.
If you’re getting this error on the Web Payments SDK reference page as well, it sounds like this may be an issue localized to your browser. Can you try the following and see if the error persists?
Also what are the for URLs for the form page and timestamps you tried to access it so our team can dig in, and if possible, cloudflare ray IDs from response headers?