Differentiating payment.updated webhook for PoS and payment links

I listen to payment.updated webhook events. But the thing is, as a developer, I don’t need to hear all the payments made in the store in person just because it’s connected the same square. I just want to listen to payments that was created only thorugh payment link api for online payments. we get billions of webhook posts for no reason (not to mention each single payment gets more than 3 posts which is another big problem)
If there is already a solution for this that I’m not aware of, please let me know.

At this time the ability to get payment.updated webhooks for just payments created by payment link isn’t currently available. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.

Are these payment links created in the Dashboard or your application. If it’s with your custom application you can filter all payments by your application ID. Any payment with your application ID in it will be one that was made by payment links. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes I can filter them by payment ID after coming to my server. But the important thing is not even getting that post

In addition to listening to webhooks you can use our Events API. The Events API lets you search for and retrieve Square API events occurring within a 28-day period. You can use the API to manage event data when real-time responses to data changes aren’t necessary.

The Events API serves as a disaster recovery and reconciliation mechanism for missed webhook events due to server outages, misconfigured webhook subscriptions, network errors, and similar issues. By allowing access to and review of past events, the Events API helps you maintain data integrity and continuity during disruptions. :slightly_smiling_face: