Hi all, I was trying to build an application using Square and I need to seed the orders data to test the app.
I know that I could create and pay the order from the Square API but I’m wondering if I could create the orders using the UI just like in the seller production dashboard?
Currently I cannot see “Create Order” button in the sandbox dashboard, do I need to configure something to make it work? Thank you.
Sandbox dashboard:
Production dashboard:
p/s: sorry I have to use GG Drive links as the uploading image function doesn’t work
Hey @josh-square, thanks for making this works! The Create Order is now displayed on the seller dashboard.
Clicking it takes us to /dashboard/take-payment?transactionType=itemized-sale
I’ve just realized that there’s another “Create Order” button in /dashboard/take-payment/ route and it is missing. This button helps create the order (that later shows in the order dashboard). Would you mind taking another look
Thanks for pointing this out. It also looks like adding a fulfillment isn’t available. We’ve taken this to the team and will be sure to provide any updates as we get them.