December 7, 2022, 2:36am
Hello, I was following the OAuth walkthrough (testing authorization with a web server) and faced one problem. When trying to authorize a seller test account, this error occurs:
I specified the SQ_APPLICATION_SECRET parameter with my application’s secret. How can I fix this ‘client_seceret’?
This is configured with the application secret that you got from the OAuth section of the Developer Dashboard? That token is different then the one on the credentials section.
December 7, 2022, 7:49pm
Yes, SQ_APPLICATION_SECRET is from the sandbox application secret of my application’s OAuth section
December 8, 2022, 8:36pm
Is there a different way to resolve this? It’s been several days since I had this problem, and many others seem to struggle with this too.
The team has identified the issue and is working on a fix.
December 9, 2022, 12:02am
Thank you! Please let me know when the problem’s resolved.
Yes, the team has deployed a fix and it’s working as expected now.
December 17, 2022, 10:31am
It is still not working for the same reason:
Error: Exception
Error Details: Error Processing Request: obtainToken failed! MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR missing required parameter ‘client_secret’
Would I need to reinstall the settings and the environments to get the newest version?
You’ll need to pull in a new version of the repo to get the fix.