Test Square APIs in the Sandbox

Learn about the Square APIs that use the Sandbox for testing.

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Many of the Square APIs have walkthroughs and examples that use the Sandbox test environment. The following is a quick reference to these walkthroughs and examples.


Some of the APIs require special test values when creating transactions in the Sandbox, especially when processing test payments. For more information about these test payment values, see Sandbox PaymentsSandbox Payments.

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Cards API

The Cards API has several walkthroughs using the Sandbox. These include the following:

You can use a payment token generated with one of the test payment cards or you can use the values in the following table with calls to CreateCardCreateCard and successfully create a card on file for a customer.



If you use a Sandbox test payment token with the CreateCardCreateCard endpoint, you must provide 94103 as the postal code in the billing_address field or the request fails and returns an invalid postal code error.

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Catalog API

Build a Simple CatalogBuild a Simple Catalog shows how to create a catalog in the Square Sandbox.

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Devices API

Use Sandbox device IDs and locations to test the following Devices API endpoints in the Square Sandbox:

  • ListDevicesListDevices returns a list of Square Terminals and filters devices based on location_id. The location_id represents a fake location for the test environment.
  • GetDeviceGetDevice returns a positive test case with the given device ID. If you test with a device ID that isn't a Sandbox test value, GetDevice returns a NOT_FOUND error.
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Disputes API

A dispute can be accepted or challenged with evidence using the Disputes API. Test the Disputes APITest the Disputes API shows how to validate that your Disputes API integration can complete these actions in the Square Sandbox.

Use these predefined payment amounts that map to specific dispute reasons. When you set one of these amounts in a CreatePaymentCreatePayment request, Square generates a Sandbox dispute with the corresponding reason.

The amounts shown are in the lowest denomination of the currency you provide in the CreatePayment request. For example, for USD, the amount is in cents.

Charge amountDispute reason
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Gift Cards API

The Gift Cards API has several walkthroughs that use the Sandbox. These include the following:

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Inventory API

Build and Manage a Simple InventoryBuild and Manage a Simple Inventory shows several examples using cURL to create an inventory in the Sandbox using the Inventory API.

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Invoices API

You can use the Invoices API to create and manage invoices for orders created using the Orders API. You cannot use Square APIs to pay invoices or manage payment status.

In Create and Publish InvoicesCreate and Publish Invoices, which uses the Sandbox for testing, you use the Invoices API to create and publish invoices and then simulate the customer experience of paying an invoice.

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Labor API

Build with the Labor APIBuild with the Labor API shows how to use the Labor API to capture the start, breaks, and end of a team member's shift and the hourly rate for the shift.

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Loyalty API

Sellers use Square Loyalty to reward their customers and increase repeat business. Developers can use the Loyalty API to integrate Square Loyalty into third-party applications. You can use the Loyalty API to get information about loyalty programs, create loyalty accounts, enable buyers to earn and redeem points, and access loyalty event history.

The following walkthroughs use the Sandbox to test the Loyalty API:

  • In this walkthroughwalkthrough, you use the Orders API to create orders and the Loyalty API to manage loyalty accounts and redeem loyalty points.
  • In this walkthroughwalkthrough, you use the Catalog API to create items in your product catalog, the Orders API to create orders, and the Loyalty API to manage loyalty accounts and redeem loyalty points.

You test the sample walkthrough in the Square Sandbox environment. After creating a loyalty program, you need a phone number to set up a loyalty account. In the Sandbox, you provide a Sandbox phone number, instead of a real phone number, using the following format:


For example, +14255551111.

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Locations API

Your Sandbox account comes with one mock location per application. This location is unrelated to the production locations listed in the Square Developer Console.

The Sandbox location ID is listed on the Locations page for each application in the Developer ConsoleDeveloper Console. You can also retrieve the location ID programmatically by calling ListLocationsListLocations with a Sandbox access token.

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OAuth Walkthrough: Test Authorization with a Web ServerOAuth Walkthrough: Test Authorization with a Web Server lets you test each of the three stages of OAuth without using production seller accounts. The OAuth API is used to obtain permission from a seller to manage their resources.

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Orders API

Many of the code examples for the Orders API use the Sandbox. Some of these topics include the following:

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Subscriptions API

Create a Subscription Plan and Manage SubscriptionsCreate a Subscription Plan and Manage Subscriptions is a cURL-based walkthrough where you set up a subscription program for a gym membership, create customer subscriptions, and verify customer billing.

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Terminal API (checkouts)

Sandbox test values can be used to test Terminal checkoutsTerminal checkouts in the Square Sandbox.

The Terminal API supports a collection of special device_id values you can use to simulate Terminal checkouts in the Sandbox without connecting to a physical Square Terminal. Successful Sandbox requests result in a payment generated in the Sandbox and shown in the Square Dashboard for your test account.

Use the following information to generate Sandbox terminal checkouts.

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Terminal checkout test device IDs

Device IDResultDetails
9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828fSuccessThe checkout is successfully completed by the buyer using a credit card.

Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.

Note: This behavior is indistinguishable from initial failures followed by a successful payment.
22cd266c-6246-4c06-9983-67f0c26346b0SuccessThe credit card payment for the full amount is approved, with a 20% tip.

Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.
4mp4e78c-88ed-4d55-a269-8008dfe14e9SuccessThe checkout is successfully completed by the buyer using a Square gift card.

Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.
388b5a08-a77c-48ef-ad2a-4a790e6f2789SuccessAn Interac credit card payment for the full amount is approved. Only supports CAD amounts.
2b0b734b-b187-47f0-9d6f-288745210bdbSuccessAn Interac credit card payment for the full amount is approved, with a 20% tip. Only supports CAD amounts.
19a01fbd-3dcd-4d9f-a499-a641684af745SuccessAn eMoney/FeLiCa credit card payment for the full amount is approved.
819f8d79-961e-4097-8f70-ef70b3e7db28SuccessThe Afterpay payment for the full amount is approved.

Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.
cae0ee02-f83b-11ec-b939-0242ac120002SuccessThe PayPay QR code payment for the full amount is approved.

Note: The sandbox location must be based in Japan.
841100b9-ee60-4537-9bcf-e30b2ba5e215FailureThe checkout is canceled by the buyer.

Note: This is the behavior when individual payment attempts fail and the buyer cancels on the device.
0a956d49-619a-4530-8e5e-8eac603ffc5eFailureThe checkout is timed out by Square.

Note: This action immediately times out the checkout as if the timeout period has elapsed.
da40d603-c2ea-4a65-8cfd-f42e36dab0c7FailureThe checkout isn't picked up by a Square Terminal and can be canceled by the developer.

This behavior simulates an offline Terminal and can be canceled by the developer. If not canceled, this checkout times out.
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Terminal API (Interac refunds)

Sandbox test values can be used to test Terminal Interac refund requests in the Square Sandbox. Successful Sandbox requests result in a refund generated in the Sandbox and shown in the Square Dashboard for your test account.

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Terminal Interac refund test device IDs

Before you can test your integration for an Interac refund, you must create an Interac checkout/payment using an Interac device ID in the previous table.

Use the following to generate Sandbox Terminal Interac refund requests.

Device IDResultDetails
f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291SuccessThe Interac refund request is successfully completed by the buyer.
The refund is limited to the amount of the original payment and can only be applied to payments that require card-present refunds.
aafea9fa-350c-4ab2-b033-b2fbb672e712FailureThe terminal refund is canceled by the buyer.
Note: This is the behavior when individual refund attempts fail and the buyer cancels on the device.
e371fb66-29a2-45a6-a928-f8de0e864242FailureThe terminal refund is timed out by Square.
Note: This action immediately times out the terminal refund as if the timeout period has elapsed.
7647344e-aea2-4cff-ac53-513644de434dFailureThe terminal refund isn't picked up by Square Terminal and can be canceled by the developer.
This behavior simulates an offline Terminal and can be canceled by the developer. If not canceled, this terminal refund times out.


Use the Refunds APIRefunds API to request refunds on all other card networks.

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Terminal API (actions)

Sandbox test values can be used to test Terminal actionsTerminal actions in the Square Sandbox.


Terminal actions are currently in Beta.

The Terminal API supports a collection of special device_id values you can use to simulate Terminal actions in the Sandbox without connecting to a physical Square Terminal. The success case varies based on the action type. Failed requests simulate a customer canceling the operation, a server timed out, or the Square Terminal not picking up the request.

Use the following information to generate Sandbox Terminal actions.

Device IDResultDetails
jg260ny-11t2-4xy2-kg21-tl949bp350caSuccessThe Terminal action successfully completes the request:
  • For CONFIRMATION, the buyer agrees to the terms.
  • For SIGNATURE, adds a sample John Hancock signature to the action.
fgw34tg-qwe1-fod2-e03e-e0fk0qiabcfkSuccessThe Terminal action successfully completes the request with the specified buyer behavior. For CONFIRMATION, the buyer disagrees to the terms.
aafea9fa-350c-4ab2-b033-b2fbb672e712FailureThe Terminal action is canceled by the buyer. This is the behavior when a Terminal action attempt fails and the buyer cancels on the device.
e371fb66-29a2-45a6-a928-f8de0e864242FailureThe Terminal action is timed out by Square. This action immediately times out the Terminal action as if the timeout period has elapsed.
7647344e-aea2-4cff-ac53-513644de434dFailureThe Terminal action isn't picked up by Square Terminal and can be canceled by the developer. This behavior simulates an offline Terminal and can be canceled by the developer. If not canceled, this Terminal action times out.